To Digger: RE: HSBC Biotech holdings increasing?Please note, I am NOT bashing SSS, in fact I still believe in the technology, and really hope to see this go to phase III, though I must say my hopes are a little low theese days. But still management did what they had to do in the circumstances and I don't feel they are ripoofs. BUT read the rest :
Micr1 youhave stated many times your displeasure here and that you are done withSSS and have moved on, yet you still continue to post on this boardwith mostly negative comments.
I never stated I would never post again on this board, I took a loss and yes moved on, but still am in SSS. And I try to keep my posts balanced, unlike you my friend. The last of my post about Insitutions buying was very much justified. T
Then you talk aboutcredibility....
Yes I do question the credibility of a person not putting an ounce of mesure in their comments, claiming institutions ARE ACTUALLY BUYING while the only clues they have is SPECULATION based on the volume of given transactions added to, let's not forget, their "profound knowledge of the market". The fact is, you absolutely do not know who is behind the transactions, period.
If you want to know why I think it isinstitutional buying with HSBC on SSS and not some average retailinvestor...then here you go. If you have level 2 it becomes easier tospeculate on this. They buy in very large quantities, usually $30k-$50kworth and are always buying in an aggressive manner. Today alone theyhit the ask buying 1.2million shares at one time..spending $72,000 inone shot.. at the same time they put a buy order in at .05 for 1millionshares $50,000 worth! This pattern with HSBC is very repetitive..especially in their buying. I spent some time researching their buyson SSS since Jan 2009. They are mostly all in the exact same manner..large aggressive buys!
If you know about stocks and how themarkets work.. it becomes very clear that chances are this is not aretail investor making these purchases..IMO!