RE: Sorry To All Stockhouse Members LOL LOL good try " Pierre " You and your boss the RAT are such LOSERS!!!!! You think people are that stupid, that they can't see how DIFFERENT " barrels " is spelled??? Keep trying though. You see people of SFF and VGN, this is what the RAT's lacky is being paid to do!!!! SLANDER people, INSTEAD of trying to create share holder VALUE!!!!!
Hey, pierre, you LACKY, how many times a day do you provide the RAT with LIP service???? LOL LOL SFF share price is almost at my bid price of .15, and IT WILL GET THERE because IF there is any results form the drilling, it WILL NOT BE COMING for quite some time!!!!!! These PUKES prefer to sit around and collect cheques while the poor share holder is left with NOTHING!!!!!
And pierre, LEARN TO SPEAK ENGLISH without STUTTERING please, you sound like an ROOKIE. I'm surprised that the RAT has you on the pay roll, you must really provide GREAT LIP service!!!!!