Buddy Doyle 7 Year Odysee... cont...Not sure what people were expecting...
Buckets of diamonds? Solid gold bricks?
There isn't anything other than some VSE style boiler room hype that suggests a find worth investing in is forthcoming..
You have a jr spec play that is essentially a cash cow and play thing for certain insiders ... they are professional insiders.. capable of playing you and their own stocks to enrich themselves.
If some of you were expecting better results you have to ask yourselves why.
From what I can see they stand as much chance as any other average jr of hitting gold, solver, nickel etc.. I doubt economical diamonds are in the cards at all ... but lets say for the sake of argument they stand an outside chance at hitting something to spark interest... so where does that leave you as an investor?
The current trading range .035 to .040 believe it or not has a degree of potential already built into it.. but as far as these jrs its not out of line.
In my humble opinion this thing doesn't pass basic due diligence.. meaning management/corporate structure wise. But that doesn't mean there isn't money to be made here.. just don't kid yourselves.. therse are professional stock market players.. they excel at selling you hype and hope .. not at finding anything in the ground.
I haven't read kaiser's blurb on them.. his news letter isn't free so I won't get the chance to review any analyticals he provides.. but i doubt he will venture into proper corporate governance etc.. (His degree is in psychology I believe.)
My point? Play this one if you're so inclined.. but don't buy into the nonsense being sold..
The Buddy Doyle 7 year odysee may soon be the Buddy Doyle 10 year odysee and climbing ... insiders will do fine.. the stock promotion crews this company hires to lure new shareholders will do fine.. they get fat whether they strike gold or diamonds or not.
The current trading range may not be a bad entry point to play this thing... but don't hold for the ridiculous numbers the pumpers here are selling .. they play the short cycles people.
I hope to fnd the time to rip into this one.. go digging.. find out just much insiders and their friends and family suck out of it each year while selling the sheep the "Buddy Doyle Story".
Take Care!