G has a board seat
If G has a seat on the Board, they would certainly have a tremendous advantage on any other company that would be interested in Eastmain deposit. Furthermore, they would be privy to exactly what E is worth, their present and future plans. Their knowledge and expertise is certainly valuable and welcome but it would depend on which master they bestow their best talent.
According to the agreement between them and E dated May 11/2007 which is good till 2011, Dr. Don agreed to all data sharing for their technical support and evaluation of Eau claire. therefore, they probably know more about E/C, if not more, than Dr. Don. On the E/South project, well, that is different as it is a j/venture and they rightfully know exactly what is going on. Everything that E touches seem to have a direct link to G. The door is open everywhere for G and they probably will be the first to cross the threshold. If G sits on the Board and they intend to make an offer, they could certainly not and should not make any recommendation or vote on the issue due to a direct conflict of interest.
I find it strange that on the E web site, management who candidly boast 150 years of corporate, financial and technical experience need to share their bed with G on Eau Claire !! Like it was mentioned in a previous post, the dice definitely seem to be loaded ahead of the roll. I like E but these facts seem to raise their head above the crowd.
I could be wrong and look forward to other views on the subject..
Cheers.. MIcke