Appears that Innvest getting traction now:I think that maybe with some of the fears about a double-dip recession and the failure of certain of the European Union not being able to service its debt....finally abating....risk aversion may be starting to abate also. Innvest has had several very solid trading days and it looks like maybe the investment community has finally learned about Innvest's new restructuring plan.
As far as the mention of the reduced ROC, is concerned, it was noted in the body of one of those circulars included with the proxy information. It all remains to be seen anyways. I finally did receive my TDWaterhouse package, just a few weeks or so ago on July 15th. I have no explanation for this. TD said it went out on one day and a rep. from Computershare, said it went out on another day. Somewhere in the middle....may be the truth...but I lost my right to vote on those units. My other account information arrived well within time to vote.