RE: RE: RE: YOU GUYS NEED TO BE MORE PATIENTHi str8goods , in the perfect world what u r asking for mgmt of public corps were right 100% and IN THE BOOKS were said BUT the facts in life is very different str8 , I agreed with woundknee that AAA's mgmt team is A1 , why ? because I did compare with all mgmt teams in my porfolio with AAA , in fertilizer business if u compared to WPX ? , EPO ? KCL ? MAA ? FOS ( $61mil CASH , no debt , CEO GET PAID $ 250K/YEAR , and doing NOTHING for last two years just to get paid every month , stock is trading UNDER CASH VALUE ) . You r talking FAIR , life never fair man , wake up str8 look at all " public officers " that get paid by OUR TAX $$$$$ , they line up at Timhorton 20min to get a coffee and still get paid , how many times a day ???? . All junior fertilizers , " our super make-artist " Farhad Abasov is top notch man. And remember str8 , this is still PENNIES stock not blue chip like LEHMAN BROTHER ????, it can lose 50% tomorrow , don't expect too much .
Student of the market,