RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: News is all Good BUY!! BUYThanks. I think you're right on the wireless growth potential, but SVC does have a significant broad band base. If NN goes through as suggested by V&G then it could impact that revenue stream. Speculatively, that market share could have less of an impact on the bottom line as wireless customer grow and wired customers stagnate.
It is obviously possible that the government opts not to support net neutrality on neither wired nor wireless medium. I haven’t been following NN as much as I should be. I can see arguments both for both sides. Implementing net neutrality seems almost socialist in some respects – not allowing free market to drive the innovation and creative business practices. The market place will choose the winners and losers. Seems to be the “free” way to me. But then there is the freedom of information and freedom of speech arguments. I see that side to the story, but there is a limit to what our infrastructure can handle. Over time when we saturate that infrastructure wouldn’t it be in everyone’s best interest to be able to send and receive high priority information over less important stuff? If the same infrastructure is being used for social media as well as healthcare, shouldn’t healthcare traffic have priority over “check out this video of the party on Sat night!!” – particularly when people’s lives are at stake.
Another thought. If I want to be an ISP that specifically caters to streaming video or iPhone customers, why should I be restricted by government policy from doing so when some other ISP could have their business plan cater to some other discipline. If that is what my subscribers want, and they are willing to pay extra for it, why should that business be restricted from doing so?
Am I over simplifying things? Am I missing the purpose of NN? I haven’t been able to resolve where I stand on the whole issue (outside of the impact it has on SVC of course :-P).