RE: RE: RE: results delayed !Passportcheck:
You have been consistent that The Congo is the reason to invest in ENG. As the weeks and months have
passed, you are becoming more and more correct, it certainly looks that drilling will start in The Congo before
1711 and as you say that is a good thing. It costs so much less to drill a well onshore in The Congo, I have
heard $2-3M per well, which seems much less than I remember what I have read that Soco are spending, however, still considerably less than $130M in 1711. The GII were on the mark with Roc, as to where to place the
drill, we have to pray they are as right on with ENG, as it all depends on a 9" hole. Wow, one has to be precise.
Yes, your comments make sense, better to find oil in The Congo, have the stock at a reasonable level before
having to raise funds to drill 1711.
Namibia may be a pipe dream with regards to the cost and time to bring the potential oil and gas to market.
However, the way Dwayne Parnham keeps buying on the open market month after month, and the report
published by Byron King, along with Marcio Mellios findings, I am sure they believe it will become a reality,
not just a pipe dream. If the drill bit had not broken and DV had got through the salt layer to reach the oil, I
am sure the price of the stock today would seem like a dream - that is if there is truth to the broken bit and
the bath tub was at that spot, all potential speculation until it happens. The fact, there is consideration to re-enter
Kunene #1 tells me that likely there is more truth than fiction to the rumour.
In the meantime, thank you for the advice, I will focus on The Congo. When they find the oil, it will be worth
the 3 year wait and the opportunity to buy at these levels.