RE: RE: RE: Final Post.Haven't been on this board or in AOS nearly as long as Sven or Toonboy, but I can vouch for what Sven said. Toonboy always had pretty useful information and seemed to have his ear to the ground, but like a lot of you, I'm hoping it's just frustration. My entry point into AOS was considerably lower than Toonboy's (I'm guessing), so I can't blame him for being upset. I plan to stay long with AOS, but I'm irritated with the lack of PR and activity to strengthen investor confidence in the company. I don't plan on running into the hills based on the data I my opinion, AOS is undervalued in a big way for the simple reason they don't yet have the liquid capital needed to exploit their assets. A $300,000 house is still worth $300,000 whether or not the owner can afford furniture or not. If the current owners can't afford furniture, it doesn't mean the house is only worth $30,000. AOS has a serious problem with promotion, but based on current conditions, I'm not worried about losing money on my investment...just that I might be sitting on it for a while. I hope the company isn't going to wait until the pilot app is approved to release any good news. By that time, frustration and impatience will have driven the sp down another 50%.