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Canadian Gold Resources Ltd T.CAN

Primary Symbol: V.CAN

Canadian Gold Resources Ltd., formerly Amseco Exploration Ltd, is a Canada-based gold exploration and development company. The Company is focused on advancing its 100% owned gold properties in the Gaspe Gold Belt of Quebec, Canada. The Company is the owner of the Lac Arsenault Property, the VG Boulder Property, and the Robidoux Property. The Lac Arsenault project is located in the Gaspe Peninsula of Quebec, approximately 25 kilometers (kms) north of Paspebiac and 58 kilometers from Bonaventure, covering a total of 4,118 hectares. The Robidoux project is located in the western Gaspe Peninsula, Quebec, covering 1,940 hectares. The VG Boulder project is located in the Gaspe Peninsula, Quebec and covers 14 km along the prospective Grand Pabos Fault, spanning approximately 5,787 hectares.

TSXV:CAN - Post by User

Comment by ANBCAon Aug 20, 2010 8:01pm
Post# 17370721

RE: RE: A Second Leg or Addax Pasture

RE: RE: A Second Leg or Addax PastureCan't see this as anything other than a positive development.  Yes some risk but I think well warranted.  Getting in on some of these plays early will give them experience and relationships for the future.  These two companies working well together brings depth and strength that might otherwise have taken years to develop.  I can see this company looking quite different in a year or two from now.  Very exciting. 

Hats off to the Canaco team as they've delivered the goods thus far and earned the respect of the investment community! 

Looking forward to the weeks ahead!


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