Silver currently + .13 $19.07Total production from continuing operations for the three-month periodended June 30, 2010 was 253,264 GEO (comprised of 208,399 ounces of goldand 2.5 million ounces of silver), representing a six percent increasefrom the first quarter of 2010, confirming the expected ramp upquarter-over-quarter, and 5 percent over the comparative period lastyear. Production increased across nearly all of Yamana's wholly ownedmines quarter-over-quarter, as expected. Chapada copper production forthe three-month period ended June 30, 2010 was 37.0 million pounds.Total production from continuing operations for the six-month periodended was 493,100 GEO (comprised of 399,062 ounces of gold and 5.2million ounces of silver), representing a six percent increase from theprevious year.