I can see the Jolu mill from here!More grist for the mill:
GBN's shiny new website provides a useful idea how close Jojay's 100,000+ oz. deposit is to the Jolu Mill.
Jojay ore deposit is maybe 3 km to the Mill. Conveyer belt would easily transport ore to the mill. Or just get a few investors to bucket-brigade it. By contrast the Bingo deposit is 30 km from Jolu. Question is: what is Jojay worth to GBN? Personally I can't see WGF spending another couple of million to prove Jojay up any further - esp. when WGF's MD&A intends to focus on coal deposit expl. POG is $1200 USD. The time to sell of Jojay is now, when refinancing is not at a critical point. And when s/p is at 52-week lows esp. jmho. Comments? p