RE: GO TO www.321gold.comSorry, but AM it's a load of horsh*t. Imagine, the CONservatives have 8 years to really mess things up AFTER being give a surplus by that nasty socialist, Clinton, and when Obama inherits the mess and tries to deal with the mess that the REPUGclicans made over 8 years, well, OBEWANKENOBIE , your magic don't work.
Fact is, the raping of America and Americans by the banks and corporations was aided and abetted by Bush and gang. Don't you guys remember Paulson, (Bush's boy) running around Congress crying BAILOUT, BAILOUT, BAILOUT, like some fat, tall bald Chicken Little. He went so far as to threaten reluctant Congressmen with MARTIAL LAW.
But the mainstream press just kind of forgot that all happened.
Go to:
For some truth in reporting.