Question ...In the NR posted by LEO (which should be the same by AOI), it says, in part:
VANCOUVER, July 27/CNW/- Lion Energy Corp. (the "Company" or "Lion Energy") (TSX.V -LEO) ispleased to provide an update on the CNOOC-operated Bogal-1 wellon Block9, Kenya. Preliminarytesting on twopotential gas pay zones has been completed, with onlyminimal flow ofgas from each zone. Analysis of the test resultsindicates that neithertest was in communication with the extensivefracture network proven bythe abundant fluid losses during drillingand the Formation MicroImaging (FMI) log. The well has been pluggedpending further analysis ofthe test results to determine thefeasibility of an additional testingprogram, which might includefracture and acid stimulation, due topotential wellbore damage duringdrilling.
Does this mean thatthey may be able to determine how much gas they have based upon the"minimal flow of gas" -- although it may not be an accurate reflectionsince the test "was no in communication with ...."?? Any insight willbe appreciated ... thanks in advance.