RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: share priceGood morning andrewkursa, what I can do is to ask my friend about those Co.s you are invested and let you know.
I doubt he will know anything about, in any case he only spoke to me about GBK. I can tell you this because I did "tease" him a lot , that he is a very "scare" stock market investor ! He told me about Goldbrooke because he said there is a lot going on with the Co. and himself saw what is happening on the site and spoke with a geologist....... He also know I lost a lot of money in the stock market !!! I really trust him because he is a very very honest and dear friend , he would not lie to me. I would like to add that GBK is the first " mine stock" that I bought since I startes trading on line by myself. We have to keep in mind that there is always the possibility that things can go wrong but I decided to take a chance and did not do any DD ??????.........
Please do not buy more because of what I am posting:
According to him, we should have result in September and should be good. If it can be of any help this is the first e-mail I received about Goldbrooke.
<< Je t'écris pour te mettre au courant de nouvelles qui courent ici concernant l'exploration d'une compagnie minière ici et la possibilité d'investir un peu d'argent la dedans si tu le décides. La Compagnie Canadian Royalties a été acheté par une compagnie chinoise (Jilin Jien Nickel) et par Goldbrooks Ventures (Canada) en 2009, actuellement ils sont en phase de forages et les résultats seront connus en septembre. IL Y A DE GROSSES CHANCES QUE LES RÉSULTATS DE CES FORAGES SOIENT EXCELLENTS. Ça brasse beaucoup ici, ils ont commençé des infrastructures pour le moulin, ils ont négocier des contrats pour ouvrir une route jusqu'au village Inuit à 72 Km de la mine..actuellement le cours en bourse est à
.22 l'action (TSX:V GBK). Les chinois investissent $ 19 Millions de dollards ici, alors fais ce que tu veux mais si j'étais toi je mettrais un peu d,argent genre (XXXXX) ......... Au mois de septembre ça devarit grimper pas d'habitude je suis réticent...mais la j'investis ( XXXXXX ) et tu sais comment je suis peureux.>>
I should see my friends withing few weeks
Wishing you a good day and good luck