Red Flags Waving in the Wind...
Our Bank of Canada Governor was adamant that we would achieve 3% growth in the Second Quarter of 2010....guess what?....not even close!....2%! These are the people in the know!
Guys and Gals...if you do not get it by better get it!
It is time to face reality and discover that Canada is a not a stand alone entity and we will suffer the consequences of the up and coming worldwide financial slide! They have been spitting out words...but...I did not believe them...the truth will always show itself in the end! We do not have a self supporting domestic say the least!
I know that is is difficult to change our thought pattern...after all our sales people in the political arena have been telling us otherwise for quite sometime now! Brain washing is a little harsh...but perhaps doses of mental persuasion and influence might be a better way to describe what has been going on for the past year. Get over it and protect is not too late!
I am willing to wager a significant sum that they have protected their personal interests for sometime now...not directly...but within the letter of the law through processes available to them without breaking conflict of interests policy and appointment appears that there are so many loop holes in Canadian Law.
From three percent growth to two percent....this is a huge miss!
The wheels are coming off....and we are out of spares!
P.S. The price of gold is shouting out to us!....Listen carefully!
Something really bad is about to happen!