Trading to Resume Sept 2, 2010I am putting this message on the board. Take it for what you think it is worth. About five minutes ago I dialed the contact phone number for EZ a gentleman answered the phone but did not give his name, I did not ask for his name. I inquired of him as too whether rumors of EZ trading tommorrow Sept 2, 2010 were correct. This gentleman I had on the phone said that, to the best of his knowledge EZ would be trading. I also inquired as to why this information was not posted as a NR, he stated that the company is only given 24 hr notice and their may not have been time to post it at the web site. I must tell you all now that whom ever I was chatting with, although they seem very certain of what they were telling me, I still have my doubts and will just have to wait and see. Happy Investing!