RE: RE: BIG NEWSYSM's BOD which has at least one common member with the YNG Board and Officers screwed up when it failed to perfect its security interest in TLG's minerals. It ,as is said in US law ,"sat on it's rights" and did not exercise them in timely fashion. What the BOD's game was I do not know. What they did not expect was a competitive bid for those "loose" assets. TLG is worth $3.90 per share IF IF IF all the prof Engineer reports prove accurate.
NUX sees that value and sees that they can get that value for modest payment of .13 per share on a share for share offer. YSM wants those assets and is bidding .12 per share cash because it wants the $60 mil in cash that NWM is putting up to develop TLG and Kitza; and without calling attention to it's legal screw up YNG/YSM wants to manuever this into a separate company. YNG wants the $60 mil in funding and is throwing Kitza into the mix to get that money. I come up with .42 cents per share value for TLG assets if TLG is considered a co-equal third party in the YSM construct.
Either way NUX, YNG, NWM are all trying to get the long fallow assets of TLG for cheap money. I see them succeeding at .18 per share- my guess.