Misdirection from SMH managementThe misdirection from Beatsworking is meant to be given to other 'financial' backers in the hope that they will fund Bending's large cap executive salary. It is the long time investor's hope that Bending actually adds value to the company by providing drilling information. If canadian and guyanese drilling results are not provided by the AGM then it is my recommendation for many to SELL. And sell fast. This is not a winner, nor a going concern.
Statements to rebuff misdirection from Beatsworking:
Marudi 100% ownership- This could have been addressed 2 years ago. It does not add value NOW to the corporation.
Potaro- Work was supposed to be happening in 2008. Diamond/gold mining from which SMH could have received 10%. Nothing has happened for 2 years.
Guyana Shield- A private company (Mulgravian) is 'starting' work in Guyana shield. But who knows when any results will be forthcoming or when Bending will choose to release them. To the average investor here is a red flag statement and advice to BEWARE.
Bearhead trend and Favourable lake- 2.5 holes were already drilled back in march with flow through money. Results have not been provided to the market (because they weren't good???). Who knows when the results from further drilling will be released? For management to say that 'lab' results take time is also misdirection. Drilling occurred 6 months ago. Even the most slow lab in a backwards country like Guyana can get results in 6 months. Another RED FLAG to any possible new investment.
The AGM should happen soon (unless Bending stalls it for fear of investor backlash). It is time for investors to stand up and make themselves known. That last statement was directed to everyone including the large investors (i.e people who own over 9.2% of the company)