RE: RE: RE: Answered myselfBombVark,
I agree to that without the extra holes that were to be drilled this is a fairly decent valuation for this stock. Also without any more information regarding the Brine testing this is where we should be.
With that being said, 59 PI seems to think that there is a lot of good news to come as they have been on a buying spree with this stock. If you look back PI was also the finder for the PP for 5 million shares. If ( and its a big If) this is the same person purchasing more shares of the company they should be in the range of 8-10 million shares owned by now ( or more) which is nothing to sneeze at and certainly something to take note of. If we are a takeover target by another junior they would want to have a beachhead if a takeover were to go hostile.
Not saying we are a takeover target however I find it rather intruiging that 59 PI has not sold a single share but buys more and more every day.
Oh and by the way we will have our year end financials in about two weeks time. Financials have come out like clockwork in the past no reason it should change now.
Have a good day all