RE: RE: Bashing?I'm a shareholder of GNG and have been following this company for several years. I try to be as objective as I can be and I don't want to be mean but in my opinion, I think GNG does have a 1st tier project, and I think this is the primary reason why it attracted other sophisicated investors like Sprott, AEM and Doug Casey. However, to me this management team is only 2nd tier at best - may be they are capable geoglists but they obviously need to do a much better job spreading the story out and to get more market attention. I am willing to bet all my wealth had the management team behind GNG is the Lundins, the share price should be at least a triple from where it is now. At this stage, I think shareholders should treat GNG shares as a buy and hold type of investment - using money you can afford to lose to buy shares of GNG on weakness, and lock the shares in a drawer and ignore them....until as time progress and hopefully as the project advance, the share price could more fully reflect its true value. I bought my GNG shares recently at an average cost of 0.207. If the share price falls to 0.16-0.18 area and if i have spare money at that time, i might buy more.