Big ProblemThe main problem with this stock is the companies location. For every 1success story out of the White Gold district in the mining business I have seen 100fail.Why would this one be different. Not much of a business plan, not muchcash, the stock is over priced as it is. If you can buy this around 2or3 cents you might make a buck or 2. I think anyone buying this attheseprices will hold for a long time while it slowly sinks and then finallygives up and either sells for 2 cents or the stock does a R/S firstandyou have one tenth of your original shares. Watch for anotherannouncement on yet another Private Placement. That will tell you howgood they are managing cash. They spent too much time looking at moreclaims and have not worked onshareholder value by actually drilling. Who's gonna take this sad songand make it better?