Creekscrossing!How many feet could you possibly stick into your mouth?? I have learned that the posters like yourself are in fact, usually the poorest protected & the first to panic & run like a scared dog. They are the ones who tend to shoot their mouth off the most but don't really say anything.
I have been in regular contact with many of the long term investors & posters in this stock on a private basis and I can assure you of a few things. They have not been selling, many have been adding, they hold substantial quantities of shares, most do not use margin or have no risk of getting any margin calls, they do not short the stock ever, they know the company & the technology intimately & they are in for the long haul. The stormy market activity of the past couple weeks changes nothing regarding WIN except that it offered a chance to either make a quick profit on the bounce or increase ones position. Most of these items apply to myself. I do not use margin & I sat tight with my holdings in WIN.
I will likely still be here when you & others like you are long gone. Frankly it can't happen soon enough. Cheers!!!
PS Red, Goodthinking & others, I will be attending the AGM along with many of these other longs that I refer to & look forward to meeting many of you there. We will finally be able to put some faces to the names and personalities! :-)