RE: RE: RE: Gold-by-you/goldliar/goldfunny or ????ARE WE THAT SHORT SIGHTED
Vanhope<B>Reputation</B>: A calculation of the weighted quality, performance, and participation scores on a scale of one to ten.</p>")">4
9/6/201010:10:43 PM | | 464 reads | Post #28561856
In one hand there's an entity investing millions of dollars in this company. Another one, still so far, in the arena to invest even more and here we are crying the blues over such a meager volume and the luck of a share price valuation to the upside.
I am to blame too on this. I would have loved to have this done over with and ready to move on to the next money maker. Things, sometimes don't move at my expected speed and patience is not one my biggest virtues.
I have about 80% of my invested money on this and like King Place, I expect to make a back from it. Sometimes we look to close and our view becomes out of focus. We got something here and the big money knows it. I know sometimes we don't know how to wait. The big money does and that's why they win over us, the little retail investor. We measure everything in days, they measure in years and that's the difference of making a few pennies and the big backs.
I'll give you an example. Back in 06 I had a huge position with SGR-V. I sold it for pennies and very happy then. Look what's doing now !...I could have retired from that stock alone and here I am with the same feeling again. Will I ever learn anything ? I hope I can with this one.
Good luck to everyone of us.