GREY:ADEXF - Post by User
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sparky61on Sep 26, 2010 11:31pm
Post# 17494761
BIM review
BIM reviewHey guys. The cost to develope BIM hasn't come down because ore prices doubled, it just means it's a little more profitable. Building a railway through a mountain or two is billions expensive.Shipping 65% iron ore is very expensive as well, because your shipping 35% waste, and a long way on very expensive monster ships. Iron nuggets, 96% pure, cost less to ship, don't need an environmentally unfriendly blast furnace, and AXI has 30 billion tons(to date, and growing) and it's a conveyer belt or dump truck away from a deep water port. I believe this company is undervalued by 20 times, easy. Don't forget the spin off company which boasts $1,000 a ton precious metals, and the new Alaskan iron sands. Has anyone talked to John lately? Apparently he's going to Chile this week. Wonder why???
This week could be very exciting. Especially if Europe starts buying again. Have a great week, Sparky.