and incredibily .... you admit to owning , no EZ
LOL! At this staqe of events with EZ, owning shares must still equate with being left holding the bag after the Bonaparte pump and dump?
I do not hold shares of any of the Ugly Cousins. I have stated so many times.
It really is too bad it takes three of you to try and keep up with one woman's idle posts and chit chat on here. I would say that speaks volumes for the cerebral quality of EZ pumpers, wouldn't you?
SO, enough of the Ladies EZ Quilting Club...anyone want to discuss posible scenarios as to how EZ might try to control the dilution problem that is integral to mining a narrow vein "gold mineralized material" from a 4m by 4m heading or face?
Anyone with a self-rating of at two or higher is excluded as they routinely prove they have neither the training, mental agility or degree of intelligence to discuss anything more weighty than grade-school name calling.
How about the possibility that there is indeed a parallel vein/gold system to the west of the Canaco property where Stephenson has placed EZ in Tanzania? The Mozambique Belt is a wide and diversified structure more than capable of hosting multiple Au systems. Any discussions of an intelligent nature?