RE: News on TagishI agree ... interesting what gread can do ! they went up quickly but when NUX and YS were
interested then they thought their stock wasall of a sudden worth .18 plus per share ?
I only went on the bull board a couple of times and found it interesting ! anyone who was
honest, used common sence or was even remotely connected to YNG they said was a paid
person by YNG or YS to post on the site ...
After reading it for a while I was under the impression most were in fact NUX people ! but only
my opinion .... but .... you sure don't see them all posting now and you are right ....
When YS removed their bid that sunk it down to the NUX offer of .10 cash per share.
I always thought YNG had a good position or a win / win in that deal. If we got it then it would
be good but if we didn't get it ... that would also be good !
I am not sure if the fat lady has sung yet or not but am more then happy to see YNG just move
on with JC and Ketza .... a big enough project for now ...
The other thing about TLG .... and I am no expert ... but seems to me all they had was some
decent and good drilling results but that doesn't mean it will be good .... also to the best of my
knowledge there is no mill or real infrastructure ... and at least it appeared to me that the gold
deposits were deap and therefore would require underground mines .. Very costly.
Just my views ... but I am happy with what is happening with YNG at this time and not sure we
needed another project at this time.