RE: RE: RE: RE: remember ?WOW have never heard so much crying and complaining in my life! And the bashing is VERY amusing. Yeah blue eagle the insiders are DEFINITELY waiting for the next PP which will be at a MUCH lower price. RIGHT and GNH is goin to $2 per share lol They will not need to do another PP now until FEB-MAR and u know it! And by that time a ton of assay information will be in and the first 43-101 with an EXCELLENT idea of what the EASTERN extension holds! So with gold at a minimum $1500 an ounce by then u can bet the final PP to raise the money needed to infill drill the whole property and do a much larger 43-101 will be done at a MUCH higher price. They were put into a corner this time by there drill contractor it was pay to play or walk away and wait for another day to do more drilling. They chose to raise the cash fast and took a bit of a hit on the PP price. But they are fully funded now for at least the next 6 months and now have 4 drills 2 of which are gonna be RC which will bring up much wider intercepts which should cause the assays to include the "nugget" effect and raise the grades considerably much like the bulk samples do. As far as the share price and patience are most of you nuts. This play was 7 cents last December! If it is at $1-1.50 or even $2 by the end of the year that is an amazing achievement and speaks VOLUMES about the property and management. Oh and thats a minimum 1000% return in one year. If they repeat that even one more time in the next few years we are at $10 per share and I myself will be one VERY HAPPY shareholder. I cannot even count the number of stocks i know where only the very patient were the most RICHLY rewarded. If you wanna be a trader than do it but some of us just wanna do our DD sleep at night and have the story unfold and the recognition of the market speak thru the share price. All gonna happen over the next few months and years and if u cant wait that little bit then by some lottery tickets. That way u know whether u win or lose instantly. I prefer to wait and find out I have won the lottery all in GOOD time! Long and strong and lovin this story more and more. Gonna be a VERY interesting 2011 and 2012. See ya all in gold heaven!