RE: Kaunisvaara DFS vs. PEA Good morning Delta, I emailed Anders yesterday(he's been fantastic getting back to me both times in 24 hours) and mentioned i'd love to see the Co. hire some promoters as it seems the positive DFS hasn't been too well received as of yet. I also voiced my displeasure with Frode(insider) and Pareto, Anders mentioned Frode is no longer on our board, and never really understood mining shares., and as such Pareto is trying to get him to sell a lump sum of shares...instead of tormenting the market. I truly believe us shareholders will eventually be rewarded, but until Frode runs out of shares we'll be asked to wait IMO. I see PAS is a net seller once again of 250,000 this am. Anders also mentioned they are on a road show in Europe and North America, and being very well received. Looking forward to the financing, and to Frode being NAU free.