Re Re going beyond anger What Willard states are very good points and I sincerely hope for investors that have hung in there all this time ,that there is a rosie outcome like that for them with this stock very soon, because it is past due already.
However for every one of these success stories , I would like to Know how many disasters there have been.?
One that I can persnally relate to that I held for a long time and finally got out of a few years back with half of my investment, was Tahera diamonds and if I had stayed in a few more months I would have come out with nothing. And actually they had gotten to the stage that they had constructed a mine and it was even in operation and they still went down the tube. So how long do you hang on to something like Jasper, that's the question.? In my case with Jasper it was time to bail , and no possible good outcome was worth the agony of hanging on for me, and the longer you hang on the less likely you want to get out at a loss, so people hang on and on and agonize more and more with high hopes. Its just human nature, and if it ends well great, and if not the second guessing starts and you are really ticked off. And not that I think this stock is anything like Bre X , but no one can ever forget that disaster.