The End is Near
I give you my opion for all its worth last week when this thing blew up. I was invested heavly with GBK in my portfolio
thinking this certainly was as good as it gets.
For some reason which even has suprised the Directors of GBK the Chinese choose to
f@#%k with the idea their going to put it over this energetic Canadian explorer on their owen turff.
This project will not go the way of CZZ but will certainly be awakening to Canadian juniors dealing with the Chinese Co.s.
Yes; so, you seen this take a hit on the market today. Well they don,t like whats happening to this Canadian Co.
So we wait ; this resourse is not on a slow boat to China. I like many more will not spend another penny on this stock until its truly straightened out.
When it is I will probably reinvest should the Chinese CO; respect the contract the way it was written. The same way; and wording as other juniors do here in Canada
Thank you WM
Proud to be a Canadian !