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Americas Gold and Silver Corporation T.USA

Alternate Symbol(s):  USAS

Americas Gold and Silver Corporation is a Canada-based precious metals mining company with multiple assets in North America. The Company owns and operates the Cosala Operations in Sinaloa, Mexico, manages the 60%-owned Galena Complex in Idaho, United States, and is re-evaluating the Relief Canyon mine in Nevada, United States. The Company also owns the San Felipe development project in Sonora, Mexico. The 100%-owned Cosala Operations are located in the state of Sinaloa, Mexico and consist of about 67 mining concessions that cover approximately 19,385 hectares (ha). The 60% owned Galena Complex is located in Idaho’s Silver Valley. The Relief Canyon Mine is located in Pershing County, Nevada. The project encompasses an open pit mine and heap leach processing facility. Its landholdings cover approximately 25,000 acres, which include the Relief Canyon Mine asset and lands surrounding the mine in all directions. The San Felipe silver-zinc-lead project is located in Sonora, Mexico.

TSX:USA - Post by User

Comment by MASCAR2on Oct 05, 2010 4:45pm
Post# 17531962

RE: RE: 40 cents wiped by days end

RE: RE: 40 cents wiped by days endTrue, at the moment. But walls can dissolve and asks can be pulled. I think we all know that today's action could be very important with all kinds of technical breakouts in the pm sector. Silver could run further short term and a lot further longer term. One thing for sure , the US$ is in deep dodo.

Onward $ Upward $$
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