RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: MASSIVE BIDS!!!!!!!!My position in LFD is an avg of $.22. I've been involved in VST for 2 years. I loaded up on VST when it hit $.12, during the crash. I got into LFD, because it has been oversold, so much so that it is too good to ignore, even though I have more of a position in VST.Bargains like LFD come around only once in a while. Just cause you can mutter a few stocks, doesn't mean you know anything. So I'll school you. A PP will not happen before seismic. Seismic will be really good. The area has been drilled before, and oil was already discovered. It's a formality. So if a PP is needed, it will be done after seismic, at much higher levels. VST was $.40 before seismic,with seismic VST more than doubled. Then a PP was done. That's how it will be done here. It is always done this wayStocks also go up on catalysts. Here we have 2. Seismic and drilling. 2 catalysts that will take PPS higher in the next 6 to 9 months. Valuation right now is a joke. Anybody with any common sense can see that. LFD will go back to the 52 week high of $.80, because that's what stocks do as they near drilling. And relative to other KURD plays LFD still has a small float,, and even with a PP, which isn't a certainty any way. LFD would be a once in a life time bargain. Just like when VST was a few years ago. And I guarantee LFD will get a partner, that will cushion the price of drilling. Most likely VST. So don't bet on huge dolution.