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Alamos Gold Inc T.AGI

Alternate Symbol(s):  AGI

Alamos Gold Inc. is an intermediate gold producer with diversified production from three operations in North America. This includes the Young-Davidson mine and Island Gold District in northern Ontario, Canada, and the Mulatos District in Sonora State, Mexico. Also, it has a portfolio of growth projects, including the Phase 3+ Expansion at Island Gold, and the Lynn Lake project in Manitoba, Canada. The Young-Davidson mine is located near the town of Matachewan in Northern Ontario, Canada. The Island Gold District consists of the adjacent Island Gold and Magino mines, located just east of the town of Dubreuilville, Ontario, Canada. The Mulatos mine is located in the Sierra Madre Occidental Mountain range in the east-central portion of the State of Sonora, Mexico. The Lynn Lake project is located in northern Manitoba and consists of two primary sites, MacLellan and Gordon. Its other projects are the Turkish Development Projects, the Quartz Mountain Gold Project, and Qiqavik Gold Project.

TSX:AGI - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Post by jsnfernleyon Oct 06, 2010 11:24am
Post# 17534936

I Know A Thing Or Two....

I Know A Thing Or Two....I know what a drama queen is.

I know what a loudmouth is.

I know what a buffoon is.

I know that wishing you a good day in spite of all of your problems would be useless, as anyone whose life is filled with this much acrimony and drama (and an intense desire to drag other people into your world of insufferable rightiousness and saviour complex) is incapable of anything good.

I know how to weed people out of my life.

And most of all, I know how to put you on ignore.
Bullboard Posts