Byout ?
Numbers on this board for a buyout look to me in the very low range - +- 5$ (or about 375 million$$)
according to this article, Qualitest buyout will add about 0.40$/share to net profits and 400 million $ sales
0.40$/share means about 40 million$ net profit. And those 400 million sales are in a problem field - generic - : Obama's plan could lower sale price of generics.
They shelled out 1 200 million $ for those 40 million$$ profit, be generous and say 50 million$. To repay the 1 200 million $$$ will take a few years
How much profit can they get from MCC technology (+ Econiche...) ? The answer to this question determine the real value of BNC.
As for the current price of ENDP : the current P/E is about 13. So that's not excessive and may not take intop account prospective profits from Urocidin