RE: Analysis: Shale Gas Drilling Techniques Revolu" Currently, the province imports all of the hydrocarbons it consumes;the cost associated with oil and gas imports rose from C$12 billion in2005 and 2006 to C$14 billion in 2008. Quebec imports most of the gas ituses from Western Canada at a high price; the province's industrialsector consumes more than half of the natural gas consumed in theprovince. At the same time, the province's energy demand also grew by1.1 percent between 1987 and 2006, despite improvements in energyintensity."
Does anyone know how much Quebec pays for natural gas?
I know that we will get a premium to the market anywhere from 50-80 cents to NYMEX believe but with some of these nat gas price projections one has to wonder. I just heard $2 gas kicked around on BNN.
Shale gas needs about $6 to be economical does it not?