, Amazon’s Vice Presidentand Director for Corporate Development as we try and
catch up because of a bunch of news out on the company
in the last two days. Richardson tells us that “we
have lots of news today and for the next couple of weeks,
culminating in the results of our preliminary economic
assessment”. He suggests that “the main take-away for
today’s release is that the thermal potash product has
measureable economic benefits beyond just the contained
He suggests that “for each unit of thermal potash
used, farmers can reduce limestone use by half a unit.”
He also suggested that the “product has time released
properties particularly in sandy well drained soils, where
leaching problems are the worst.” He also adds that
“planted tests are ongoing and already looking good for
thermal potash.”
Remember that Brazil is the bread basket for the world
right now and they produce three crops a year in many
areas of the country. What Brazil doesn’t have and isn’t
happy about it is fertilizer. They have to import up to
90% so if a product can be produced in Brazil the locals,
the governments and future employees, would all be
quite happy.
It’s why Amazon might be at the right place and might
be at the right time and we thank John Kaiser for reminding
us that this is one of the stories of the day for agriculture,
whether it has a happy ending or not.
One thing Richardson points out to us is that of the
two hiring’s announced in the last few days, Amazon has
now hired engineering skills that could have their projects
built. Again, an ongoing and interesting story that
has had quite a week.