RE: RE: Not Too Much To Talk AboutDowner .. your name sais it all and you obviuosly named yourself correctly ... you are nothing but negative ... a voice from the past when this company and stock has moved on without you ... I have no doubts that you don't own anystock in YNG anymore ... You obviously bailed when the price was down and the recession was taking over every small and large business alike ...
No doubt youy bailed long ago and are bitter to see the company prove you wrong !!! and move on with new management and it must really bug you to see the company move on and the share price now holding steady at 75 centish and obvioulsy going to me up in time !
You are so transparent with your hate ! negativity ! and living in the past .. because that is where you obviously sold your shares and lost your chances .. in the past !!!
No one with an ounce of brain would hold on and preach the past when they actually owned stock and were watching it grow and move back to making them make money !!!!
Crap like you post is useless to anyone newish or buying stock in this company !!! just praised by the old farts like you that bought high and sold during the recession when every stock .. even secure .. best banks in the world like Canadian banks were down ... many like me made great money on them and have made great money on YNG ...
Leave the past in the past and move on ... or at least have the decency to count your losses and move on !!!
You are of no usefulness !!! to this stock or it present shareholders .. just a bitter Downer living in the past !!!