RE: Getting ScaredShackle, I think you are worrying waaaay too much about things that won't have any affect on IDC. As far as countries not voting for Canada in the UN, I can't see why X company in X country would care one bit about that. They will choose the best equipment at the best price, business is still business.
As far as out debt and economy.... Canada is still the envy of the G7 for our economy not falling as bad and is also leading the recovery of all of them. The government said we will be out of deficit in the next 3 or 4 years as they were running a profit before the recession and the stimulus spending will end soon enough which is a huge portion of the deficit.
No worries Shackle, just take the meds and relax.
Has anyone been following Adam A. on Twitter? he left this account on the IDC website a while back and I browsed through it and he mentions IDC business occasionally.