Yukon has an extraordinary endowment of tungsten mineralization.Almost 900 million tonnes of contained metal have been estimated for theterritory. The majority of Yukon tungsten occurrences are skarnsdeveloped in Selwyn basin Cambrian limestone near contacts withmid-Cretaceous plutons. Other occurrence types include veins andporphyries. Mactung, located near MacMillan Pass close to the NorthwestTerritories border, is a scheelite skarn and is one of the world’slargest high-grade tungsten deposits. The Cantung scheelite skarndeposit in the Northwest Territories close to the Yukon border was amajor world tungsten producer, producing 85% of Canadian tungsten from1952-1986.
The most significant tungsten porphyry occurrence in Yukon isNorthern Dancer (formerly known as Logtung). It is a low-grade,high-tonnage stockwork deposit with associated molybdenum.
Map of Yukon Mineral Deposits (PDF 3.41MB)