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Canadian Gold Resources Ltd T.CAN

Primary Symbol: V.CAN Alternate Symbol(s):  CDNGF

Canadian Gold Resources Ltd., formerly Amseco Exploration Ltd, is a Canada-based gold exploration and development company. The Company is focused on advancing its 100% owned gold properties in the Gaspe Gold Belt of Quebec, Canada. The Company is the owner of the Lac Arsenault Property, the VG Boulder Property, and the Robidoux Property. The Lac Arsenault project is located in the Gaspe Peninsula of Quebec, approximately 25 kilometers (kms) north of Paspebiac and 58 kilometers from Bonaventure, covering a total of 4,118 hectares. The Robidoux project is located in the western Gaspe Peninsula, Quebec, covering 1,940 hectares. The VG Boulder project is located in the Gaspe Peninsula, Quebec and covers 14 km along the prospective Grand Pabos Fault, spanning approximately 5,787 hectares.

TSXV:CAN - Post by User

Comment by coresplitteron Oct 19, 2010 7:11pm
Post# 17584695

RE: RE: Claim Jumpers

RE: RE: Claim JumpersJustify actions of If I had a company and saw that someone did not have title in the freakin middle of a deposit, I would get it too. It is the mistake of your management that you are trying to defend.

P.S. why is CAN's top management still in Vancouver if there is a arbitration in 24 hours? Guess the must have been confused. Call em and find out.
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