RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: #3Mr.Money
why the confusion about #2 and# 3 Can't management count ? and if mine 3 aka mine 2 wasn't mined before , how does anyone know it's profitable?I heard mine# 5.6 and 7 were the biggies, but have to be proved up. Well we can all bs , but till NAG has substantial profits and tells potential investers this won't do diddley squat. It all rests on how they mine their so called deposits.. I'm losing faith.
Geez , get a nr out that tells us wether they are profitable, or even FN mining.... I am begining to believe GG with her negative remarks now. Also one poster said that we are headed into winter in Kentucky, I don't live close to there , but does Kentucky have winters like Saskatchewan? I don't think they are -40 and snow from nov _ Apr.. ... At anyrate wish something good comes out without any BS and gets the sp going skyward witch is what it should be......Get the cloud off our investment here..Come clean and we shall judge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!