mother load of SHORT SQUEEZESa boat full of SHORTS are betting against RES,,,,,,,,,the SHIP will sink SHORT positions as many have taken the opposite trade,,,,,,being in the business for over 20 yrs,,,,,saw many of short trades go WRONG ...if the HERD is packed on a SHIP,,,,,,it will SINK........also saw many LONG position go wrong,,,,,,,the REE story still in its early stages and NO MANIA yet to be seen.,,,,RES has a small float,,,,,tightly held shares,,,,,,it could go alot higher and any options betting against RES could be wiped taking a SHORT option ,,,if the price does not meet its strike price it could wipe out any bets and $10,000 bet would be worth ZERO.... its GAMBLING,,,,if it meets a strike price to the downside is hit then a huge gain is made,,,,,,,,U never want to bet against a play that is in an uptrend,,,,,,,many shorts got wiped out betting against APPLE...NETFLIX,,,GOOGLE,,,,,,,,,hedge funds went bust,,,,,,,,,