Superstore account has dumped ArrowheadJust when you thought things couldn't get worse.
The year end financials are about to be released showing huge losses in what should be the most profitable quarter.
The carnage continues as Superstore dumps AHW for Polaris. About 25% volume overall!! You think they lost money before, just wait!
The Fraudulent practices of selling bogus water by AHW are about to be made public with the Federal investigation agency reporting.
Wait until investors learn they were duped into buying shares when the company knew they were being investigated in their head office plant while selling the shares.
How long before Sobeys, Safeway etc all bail???
It's a good thing the Board dumped the only people who knew how to run a company and are left with this bunch.
Lawsuits will fly and no Directors insurance covers Fraudulent activities.
Sell folks as soon as you can.....