RE: RE: BIG TIME ------- -----there is no doubt in my mind that this stock is a total scam !!! but my opinion do your own due diligence ! started as an import business going to import leather from india .. it fell through .. became a chemical company .. it feel thought .... changed names many a time .. now left ptos shaeholders behind and branched off .. owners owning to powerice or something like that .. ptos shareholders will miss out and yet another name and the same game of maybes from the future
This company was supposed to get approval to build a solar plant in India years ago when I owned stock . but after many years and my investigation into this company I sold my stocks and am one of the few people that have ever made money on this stock !!!
Truely .. this seems cheap but remember it is on OTCBB ... I have traded numberous stocks on tsx and if this comapny was on tsx it would have been delisted years ago ... more honestly it would never have passed the test and have ever been able to trade on tsx
IN short this company has nothing .. they do not make solar panels ... sell solar panels .. probably don't even own a solar panel ! have no expertise other then being a trading company that didnt work out .. they have no assets .. have a small office in Surrey BC . no plant manufacturing, no nothing except for empty promises that people have oguht into for years and lost money on while they have given themselves stock and made millions !!!
chek them or larson solar panel on goodle or better yet try solar fraud and you can read about them !!
Be careful !!!