TSXV:AAA.P - Post by User
Post by
loonie4buckson Nov 01, 2010 11:17pm
Post# 17643205
E-mail Farhad
E-mail FarhadI have to wonder about these emails everyone is talking about, I emailed last week and have yet to receive a response.
Either my questions and remarks were too to the point and for privacy and legal reasons could not be answered or receiving emails from Farhad is forgive me... BS. I didn't even so much receive a thank you and we will get back to you.
If I do, I will share the information with you.
As for the s/p, IMHO... AAA has risen on speculation, interviews and expected NR's... Had I known any better by AAA's pattern I would have done some swing trading, but I firmly believe in AAA and will be going long. I don't expect we will be hearing anything for weeks to come and will definitely take advantage of the drop to buy some more shares.
Keep in mind folks, although this a canadian stock, we may and will most likely feel the results of the American election as well as pending news coming from the states this week. We will also have the news of BHP and POT, this stock may be bouncing like a yoyo and and may be manipulated by others with the big bucks and ulterior motives.