7.5 meter 68 g/t - 141 meter 141g/tWOW - Nothing on Donchester yet. Continuity along strike... IMO we're headed for 10 milliuon oz by spring DYODD.
These are all in the west of Beattie where the open pit potentential is the greatest IMO. Nothing like 68 g/ton to carry a big section of pit. 141 g/t... are you kidding me? This is a beautiful thing.
Osisko and Clifton Star Intersect 70 Metres Averaging 1.94 g/t Au at Duparquet
11/2/2010 8:03:38 AM - Market WireMONTREAL, QUEBEC, Nov 02, 2010 (MARKETWIRE via COMTEX News Network) --
OsiskoMining Corporation (TSX: OSK)(FRANKFURT: EWX) and Clifton StarResources Inc (TSX VENTURE: CFO)(FRANKFURT: C3T) are pleased to announceresults from thirty-five additional holes from the 2010 drill programat the Duparquet Project, located in the Abitibi region of Quebec.Significant intersections from the new drill holes on the Beattieproperty include 49.3 metres averaging 2.05 g/t Au (BD10-267), 70.5metres averaging 1.94 g/t Au and 96 metres averaging 1.21 g/t Au(separate intersections in BD10-282), 73.5 metres averaging 1.70 g/t Au(BD10-286), and 132 metres averaging 0.94 g/t Au (BD10-281). A narrowerbut very high grade intersection of 7.5 meters averaging 69.18 g/t Au(2.22 ounces gold per tonne) was encountered in BD10-284. Assay resultsare summarized in the table below:
Hole No. Section Az./dip From (m) To (m) Length (m) Au g/t
BD10-267 630800E 5/63 81.5 130.8 49.3 2.05
BD10-271 630600E 0/60 389.0 394.5 5.5 1.78
BD10-274 630400E 180/70 264.5 279.5 15.0 1.18
BD10-275 630400E 180/78 227.5 245.0 17.5 1.37
BD10-276 630400E 0/60 362.0 387.5 25.5 1.91
And 422.0 423.5 1.5 16.15
BD10-277 630600E 0/60 12.0 23.0 11.0 1.23
BD10-279 630600E 180/68 139.0 166.0 27.0 0.80
And 383.7 407.0 23.3 1.18
BD10-280 630400E 0/60 400.0 438.9 38.9 1.16
BD10-281 630400E 180/60 8.0 140.0 132.0 0.94
And 197.0 210.5 13.5 3.19
BD10-282 630200E 0/60 47.0 143.0 96.0 1.21
And 317.0 387.5 70.5 1.94
including 363.5 365.0 1.5 11.35
BD10-283 630200E 183/61 83.0 104.0 21.0 0.73
BD10-284 630500E 0.57 155.5 163.0 7.5 69.18
including 158.5 160.0 1.5 341.00
And 386.5 406.0 19.5 1.22
BD10-286 630100E 0/58 72.5 146.0 73.5 1.70
BD10-289 630300E 0/65 341.0 373.4 32.4 2.14
BD10-291 630500E 181/48 201.0 245.5 44.5 1.18
BD10-294 630500E 181/54 178.0 190.0 12.0 1.09
BD10-295 630300E 0/60 317.9 346.5 28.6 2.40
BD10-298 630400E 0/60 77.5 131.0 53.5 1.67
BD10-300 630100E 183/59 24.5 56.0 31.5 1.74
BD10-301 630100E 180/68 42.0 79.0 37.0 1.70
And 110.5 130.0 19.5 0.92
BD10-302 630200E 2/61 123.5 180.5 57.0 1.03
And 206.0 226.1 20.1 0.91
And 382.1 428.0 45.9 1.27
And 458.0 464.0 6.0 2.73
BD10-303 630200E 2/69 102.0 133.5 31.5 0.85
And 154.5 183.0 28.5 1.59
And 217.5 247.5 30.0 1.19
BD10-304 630200E 2/78 69.0 81.5 12.5 1.24
And 194.0 236.0 42.0 1.76
BD10-306 630400E 0/58 309.5 350.0 40.5 1.76
BD10-308 630600E 0/69 2.5 25.5 23.0 1.00
Drillholes BD10-285, BD10-287, BD10-288, BD10-292, BD10-296, BD10-297,BD10-299, BD10-305, BD10-307 and BD10-309 did not intersect significantmineralization. These holes tested the margins to underground stopes, oralternatively surrounding basalts and sediments, all separate from theknown mineralized zones. Results for holes BD10-251, BD10-261, BD10-278,BD10-290 and BD10-293 are pending.
Drilling has focused on threeproperties: Beattie, Donchester and Duquesne, for an overall 2010drilling campaign of 122,800 metres that is now completed. The Phase Idrill program comprised 69,800 metres of drilling on the Beattieproperty with a total of 219 holes. The Phase Two drilling program of20,300 metres comprised 69 holes on the Duquesne property, and the PhaseThree program of 32,700 metres on the Donchester Property and CentralDuparquet comprised a total of 96 holes.
Osisko has the right toacquire a 50% interest in the Duparquet project in consideration for (1)total exploration expenditures of $70 million from 2010 to 2013, and(2) extending loans to Clifton to fund option payments on the propertyof $8.5 million for 24 months and $22.5 million for 36 months. Theseloans would carry interest at 5% and can be converted into stock atClifton's choice. Osisko had also extended a $6 million credit line toClifton, to be drawn prior to January 1, 2010, which was not utilized.
AllNQ core assays reported above were obtained by standard 50 g fireassaying-AA finish or gravimetric finish at ALS Chemex laboratories inVal d'Or, Quebec. Reported drill core weighted averages were calculatedusing a minimum of 0.60 g/t Au over successive maximum intervals of 20metres with an upper cut-off of 30 g/t Au where indicated. Intersecteddrifts or lost core within mineralized intersections were incorporatedas blank intervals. The true widths are estimated at approximately 50%to 75% of the core lengths reported above, with the exceptions ofBD10-263 and BD10-264, which were fan holes drilled sub-parallel to dipof the mineralized zone.
Osisko follows strict QA-QC protocolmeasures in keeping with industry standards and regulatory reportingrequirements. Mr. Robert Wares, P. Geo. and Executive Vice-President ofOsisko, is the Qualified Person who has reviewed this news release andis responsible for the technical information reported herein, includingverification of the data disclosed including the sampling, analyticaland test data underlying the technical information.