Well , now you know who runs the Country.The First Nations run the Country and have basically said we want Government MONEY NOT WORK. ....
No JOBS............... For anyone !
I guess they can make a few more Band Chiefs Drawing huge paychecks for themselves.
These guys make $300,000 a year tax free with Taxpayers Money.
At the same time spending Millions and building huge debt ...............Great system.......
Amazing really ........................I thought for sure they would come to some agreement but it seems the First Nations want their land left alone but want the checks to keep flowing.
Taxpayers will pay they say..............Why worry.....
Actually not stupid..........................Why work when you get paid to Fish ...............HMMMMMMMM!
Leave all that Gold in the ground............ Why oh Why do we have to pay these people to Fish and Hunt ......
The Government should cut them off because the Tax made on the Mine wold have paid the bills but now the TAXPAYER is left paying all their bills..............AGAIN....
Federal Government took the easy way out ...................No fighting ! NO MONEY !
Oh well......................Look for a $2.00 haircut tommorrow............
Thankfully I have few shares left and I may get out even ....................Such is life.............Still a great Company......
Just the way it goes when you have the FEDS afraid to take on First Nations..............
They will not see another Mine unless the First Nations approve ...........EVER !!!!
Nice to know who runs the Government ...........