RE: The Pareto Monster Farrouk, it sure is frustrating us shareholders being held hostage like this. This Frode character seems to me to be a rich spoiled little kid. As he was"kicked off the board" he's now playing payback. He seems to get his jollies suppressing our s/p. You'd think a sane person would enjoy turning a profit more than retribution. But as i assume he was one of Pareto customers who picked up millions of shares in '09, between .50-.70 he's still turned a tidy profit. The inevitable of Frode being shareless will make all of us shareholders rejoice. Management is doing a superb job moving us forward, eventually more brokerage houses will join the festivities and we will make substancial gains. Until then spoiled rich kid gets all the attention he's never received, holding us hostage. Our day will come.