Mr. Tony Makuch reports
Lake Shore Gold Corp. is releasing results from seven new holes and two newwedge holes (5,916 metres) of diamond drilling from continuing drill programs atthe Bell Creek and Wetmore properties. Two of the new holes and two wedge holes(3,881 metres) are from Bell Creek, where the company is working to towardannouncing its first National Instrument 43-101-compliant resource before theend of the year. The five remaining holes (2,035 metres) were drilled over an800-metre strike length at the Wetmore property to test a series of goldshowings which appear to follow a mineralized trend that is separate andparallel to the Bell Creek-Vogel trend.
New drill intercepts demonstrate potential for extreme high-grade zones atBell Creek:
- BC-10-69C intersects 106.46 grams per tonne (g/t) over 7.05 metres (including 2,870 g/t over 0.25 metre), 9.39 g/t over 5.70 metres and 7.83 g/t over 1.20 metres;
- BC-10-71C intersects 4.24 g/t over 11.60 metres (including 21.34 g/t over 1.10 metres) and 3.13 g/t over 6.20 metres.
New drilling extends high-grade core to depth by 200 metres and identifiestwo new alteration zones emerging at depth:
- New assays expand width of upper zone in previously reported zone in BC-10-94C to 5.20 g/t over 50.60 metres (assays pending), and BC-10-92B (assays pending) intersects three thick zones of hydrothermal alteration containing multiple intervals with increased sulphides and quartz veining 200 metres below previously reported BC-10-94C;
- Intersection angle in BC-10-92B and BC-10-94C approaching a true width through mineralized structures.
Six for six at Wetmore, six holes in potential new mineralized trend allintersect structure and grade:
- Key intercepts include 6.62 g/t over 7.50 metres, 6.77 g/t over 2.50 metres, 123.0 g/t over 0.50 metre, 31.0 g/t over 0.40 metre and 9.38 g/t over 0.50 metre.
New results reported from Bell Creek are from infill and expansion drillingbelow the Bell Creek mine. Significant results include 106.46 g/t over 7.05metres (including 2,870.0 g/t over 0.25 metre), 9.39 g/t over 5.70 metres and7.83 g/t over 1.20 metres from BC-10-69C, from within a previously untested areanear the 700-metre level and 50 metres above previously reported BC-08-09C (seethe company's news release in Stockwatch dated Nov. 5, 2009). Additionalsignificant results included those from BC-10-92B (assays pending) whichintersected three thick zones of hydrothermal alteration containing multipleintervals with increased sulphides and quartz veining 200 metres belowpreviously reported BC-10-94C, close to 1,400 metres from surface.
Tony Makuch, president and chief executive officer of Lake Shore Gold,commented: "The results announced today are very positive as they provide solidevidence of local extreme high-grade gold mineralization and a substantialextension of the thick high-grade core zone recently identified at depth. Fromall indications, the mineralization occurs in a series of at least four stackedalteration zones on the north side of a mafic-ultramafic contact, with one beingdirectly on the contact and at least three additional zones being situated tothe north. Some of the thickest and highest-grade intersections of goldmineralization to date are from holes drilled to extend these zones to depth.The strength, width and increased complexity of alteration in the lower-mostholes suggest the potential for a major deposit at Bell Creek. In addition, thenew results at Wetmore suggest the presence of significant gold in a new andparallel trend in close proximity, and to the south of, Bell Creek and Vogel,which could contribute to an expanded mining and mill scenario."
The highest-grade values in hole BC-10-69C at Bell Creek appear to lie in theupper portion of an east-west-trending, steeply south-dipping envelope ofmineralization located immediately south of the mafic-ultramafic volcaniccontact which extends downward into the recently announced thick high-grade corezone which is emerging at depth. The highest-grade interval reported is closelyassociated with coarse visible gold (VG) with minor quartz and sulphideminerals.
Of the two thick zones of hydrothermal alteration intersected by BC-10-92B,the upper alteration zone correlates well with other thick high-grade intervalsreported previously in holes BC-10-94C (5.85 g/t over 42.20 metres), BC-09-53B(6.67 g/t over 31.75 metres) and BC-09-53A (5.13 g/t over 26.40 metres). Thenext underlying alteration zone from BC-10-92B appears to correlate with a newlyemerging zone below the 1,100-metre elevation as indicated by intercepts inBC-09-53B (8.99 g/t over 7.0 metres) and BC-10-94C (6.64 g/t over 9.80 metres),and the next underlying zone appears to be new. BC-10-92B is still in progressat a downhole depth of 2,017 metres and all assays are pending.
Newly received assays for BC-10-94C expand the width of the previouslyreported results for the upper alteration zone to 5.20 g/t over 50.60 metresfrom the current grade and width of 5.85 g/t over 42.20 metres. Based oninformation collected, the reported intersections from the new zones inBC-10-94C and BC-10-92B are approaching a true width.
Additional results from Bell Creek include those from BC-10-71C, BC-10-96 andS-10-13. BC-10-96 and BC-10-71C were drilled near the west limit of the BellCreek mine near the 500-metre and 850-metre levels, respectively, and continueto suggest that the system is open in this direction. S-10-13 was drilledapproximately 150 metres east of previously reported BC-10-92 and 350 metreseast of the newly emerging thick high-grade core zone, and intersected 13.81 g/tover 1.30 metres, including 52.01 g/t over 0.50 metre, in a new zone in thehangingwall to other mineralized zones.
Results from the Wetmore property are from holes spaced over an 800-metrestrike length between the Wetmore East and Wetmore West showings, and designedto follow up on results from past drilling in the 1990s, which interceptedvalues such as 3.83 g/t over 33.40 metres in PW-24 and 7.79 g/t over 13.90metres in PW-26 from the Wetmore East zone, and 7.93 g/t over 5.80 metres fromPW-1 and 2.68 g/t over 38.20 metres from PW-4 at the Wetmore West zone.
Significant results from the five new holes include intercepts of 6.62 g/tover 7.50 metres in WM-10-05, which was located near Wetmore East, and 6.77 g/tover 2.50 metres in WM-10-03 at Wetmore West. Additional significant resultswere obtained in the upper portion of BC-10-92, which was targeting the deepBell Creek zone but passed through the midpoint between Wetmore East and WetmoreWest. The intercepts from BC-10-92 included 123.0 g/t over 0.50 metre, 31.0 g/tover 0.40 metre and 9.38 g/t over 0.50 metre. Considering the good correlationof the new intercepts at Wetmore East and West with previous drill resultsobtained in the 1990s, and the additional potential indicated by BC-10-92, theWetmore property is considered to have excellent potential and the company isconsidering options for an expanded exploration program.
Current drilling at the Bell Creek complex includes eight drills (six surfaceand two underground), five of the surface drills are involved in continuinginfill and expansion drilling at Bell Creek, with one surface drill continuingwith exploration at the Wetmore property.